Case Study Quintana Roo, State of Quintana Roo "United to Transform".
To guarantee legal certainty and transparency in real estate transactions, fostering trust and efficiency in the real estate market.
The government of Quintana Roo had the purpose of making efficient the registration, processing and consultation of information related to the growth of real estate in the state in recent years.
The solution proposed by C&A Systems addresses the need to implement a platform that adopts the latest security and performance architectures and processes.
Public Registry of Property in Quintana Roo

Technology used
Microservices, DevOps, C&A Framework, Open Source, JAVA, Spring BOOT, Angular, PostgreSQL

Leverage advances in technology to build a robust, secure, stable and scalable system.
Quintana Roo as a reliable structure
Platform axes
Critical Activities
- Analyze strategies.
- Design grobal approach.
- Develop agile.
- Secure information.
Transparency and trust in every procedure: Public Registry of Property, RPP in Quintana Roo
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