C&A Energy Management System
Monitoring platform for the measurement,
analysis and control of the main energy variables.
CAEMS ( Energy Management System, Monitoring Platform with IoT in Azure )
CAEMS is a monitoring platform for the measurement, analysis and control of the main energy variables, its implementation provides a reliable source of information that, through visual components, shows where and how energy is consumed, which allows identifying real opportunities for savings and supports in determining strategies for reduction, good use and utilization of energy inputs.
It is a solution that integrates multiple technologies and addresses the main critical challenges in the industrial and commercial sector, from monitoring the efficient use of energy and its control, to the management of production cycles, ensuring the efficiency / operational effectiveness of the company.
CAEMS offers you through digitization to maintain maximum efficiency of equipment and processes in the industry.
CAEMS in conjunction with IoT, + IoT On Premise, in the Cloud
The CAEMS platform has its IoT version, communicating to the Internet via GPRS or Wifi without using the client's infrastructure and storing data securely and with high availability.
CAEMS On-Premise
The CAEMS platform has its On-Premise version, being hosted in the client's infrastructure both communication and servers, having C&A's support in all the steps involved.
What can be measured?
- Electric Energy and Substations.
- Natural Gas.
- Potable Water.
- Cistern
- Compressed Air.
- Boilers
- Chillers
- LP Gas.
Components of the platform, solution CAEMS

Field devices with universal adaptation independent of the equipment make
HMI device designed for C&A HMI handling different protocols and communication signals.
IoT/On Premise DB
Field devices with universal adaptation independent of the equipment brand
CAEMS WEB and Mobile App
Customized application for monitoring with the possibility of accessing from anywhere and at any time.
Monitoring in real time, live and Alarms
Allow to visualize the variables acquired from devices, analyzers, meters, sensors, transmitters, machinery and industrial process equipment in real time on monitoring screens.
These screens show a customization of the location area of the monitored device, with the help of images or renderings.
The system has the ability to send alarms to specific users such as managers, supervisors or any desired personnel via the system itself, emails, SMS messaging and other messaging options.
The alarm log is stored in a report log for management and visualization.
Reports efficiency, optimization at all times
It allows to know the capacity with which an equipment or system uses the energy in its nominal operation, facilitating to approach 100% of its use of energy as well as of the capacities of the equipment to be reviewed.
The behavior of machinery, equipment, compressed air installations, water, electrical energy, among others, is visualized, the system makes efficiency reports with the help of values extracted from the same equipment to the system's databases. A graph is obtained where the behavior of the efficiency obtained with the real measurements is compared with the optimum efficiency that can be achieved by having a correct operation of the equipment.
Benefits monitoring, follow-up in real time
Detect the main points and schedules of electrical energy consumption within your work facilities.
Monitor the daily, monthly or annual consumption of energy consumed in kW and the cost of this consumption.
Be able to identify when the lower and upper demand limits are exceeded in the meters to send alerts in real time.
Identify energy consumption trends and monthly and annual historical comparisons.
From the application of energy savings strategies, energy savings optimization from monitoring
Reducing electricity consumption and operating costs.
Improve overall efficiency
Have better operational control in the work facility to avoid (peak demand).
Avoid power factor penalties during any billing period has an average of less than 90% (ninety percent) overdue.
More information... | Demonstration... |
If you need more information about the solution, we are here to help you and make your processes more efficient. |